Manuscript – Pennsylvania ca. 1790-1810

The Practitioners of Musick have recently acquired a wonderful music manuscript [unsigned & undated] most likely with a Southeastern Pennsylvania provenance circa 1790 – 1815.  At least three individuals owned and copied, on hand ruled staves, a remarkable array of music for the theatre as heard and documented in Philadelphia, as well as country dances, and military marches.  The original owner apparently played the German Flute as indicated in the opening pages of the manuscript including a fingering chart for the instrument.  This volume, including music honoring General Washington, is of extraordinary significance and has quickly been already the subject of scholarly interest amongst an authority of late 18th century military [fife and drum corps] music and a Doctoral student in musicology at Princeton University.

FluteBook FluteBook5 FluteBook4 FluteBook3 FluteBook2

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